ThankYOU Jubille International Church, to dear Fini, Isi, Rob, Glenda and to all my friends at the Glory and Grace conference!!!
When i got home last monday 31st of March, it felt like i have been away for 40 days, althought its only been 9 days.
On the Sunday before the conference, I went to Jubilee church as I arrived in Sydney. The praise and worship was soo free!!! we hardly used the Datashow, but we just sang in the Spirit and in new songs-amazing prophetic songs and harmony, we entered into another realm! people started laughing, shouting, on the ground under the Power of the Glory of God!!! we were there on sunday night service from 6pm to 9:30pm!!! no body wanted to go home, in fact who wants to go home When God pitches up in His Manifest Glory!!!
IN the bible, when God pitched up in greater glory, people couldn't' stand! they fell, shake etc... How can the human body handle the Immortal Presence of our Almighty God when He just reveals a little tiny bit of Himself???
In the morning service when Fini was preaching, as I heard the inward audible voice of God as Fini quoted that Scripture when Jesus appeared to His Disciples in teh room, He said, 'Greetings!'. It as though God spoke to my spirit to show me that He cares about me!!
I couldnt' stop crying! and just as well, i was the first person fini prayed for that day.
The conference started on wednesday to saturday. we had soo much of God during this time, nobody wanted to and couldn't' go home!! under the Glory, people falling under the power and majesty of God, praying one another, laughing, shaking, just under the manifest presence of God.
Services in the morning start 9:30am, and one time we were so much under the glory we didnt' go home until 3:30pm!
night services start from 7pm to about 10pm. Glory glory glory! we were so close to God, at times I swear i could feel angels were there even though I never saw them.
On thursday morning in the second session, it was a time of impartation where we waited on God and some of the leaders prayed for us. Then all of a sudden I smelt this perfume, but I thought it was teh lady in front of me. But it doens' t make any sense, why would she go and put some perfume in between the services.
Then the I smelt the perfume very strongly, it was coming from the isles, and then Fini said through the mic that some people smelt red wine, smelt perfume and fragrances!
Then I realised it was God!! I smelt other fragrances as well for about 15-20 mins all around the auditorium!!
It says in song of songs 1:2-3
2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than (we smelt red wine)
3 Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; (we smelt perfumes and fragrances)
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the maidens love you!
Other signs and wonders were that this lady got a platinum filling in her tooth! someone had a word of knowledge for a filling on a left tooth, and then she discverd she has been filled with platinum!
One guy I was having coffee with, all of a suden discovered that he has gold tooth! completely gold, it was silver filling before, definintely not a whole tooth!!
Then on sunday I went to visit glorious gospel church in sydey. Revival broke out there too! started at 10am in the morning, we didnt' leave there until 1:45pm!
I was on teh ground on my back under the power of God, while my friend Max was in teh front worshipping and lost and on his face on teh ground!
Then Sunday night was the big highlight for me!!
we had soo much fun in God' Presence!
the serveice started 6pm-10pm! nobody wanted to go home!
everyone prayed for everyone, we all rejoiced in the Lord and laughed, danced and everything else!!
at the end they put on some 'soaking cds' from todd bently and Joshua mills and we just went for it! That night I started to hear the inward audible voice of God in my spirit. Since then I have been hearing Him more regularly, that used to not happen before.
The most important highlight of this conference was the teaching on the Grace of God, the teaching about the free gift of righteousness. That once again, just like Martin luther had to stand against legalism in his day and bring about the doctrine of justification by faith that we are saved by grace from first to last, so the same thing is happening again. God is calling Grace reformers to arise again, there is so much legalism in the church- people think that they can earn their salvation and God' blessings by their own works!
Glory, signs and wonders will follow the preaching of the Gospel of Grace, it is only through understanding and living in Grace we will tap into the Greater glory....
Legalism, control of man, religious spirit, spirit of witchcraft control and manipulation is not the Gospel.
When the bible says, 'rejoice', what do you think that means?
does it mean to smile?
no it means to rejoice by the SPirit of God, laughing, shouting, happiness, dancing, with all your might!!!
God is God, He can do whatever He likes in the heavens above or on the earth below. He is the Creator- it's just as easy for God to create for someone a whole new liver rather than heal his liver.
We didn't come for a particular denomination, or group, we came for Jesus, to Seek His Face along, no other agenda, there was such unity and freedom amongst us.
We just sought after His Face, His Glory, by His Righteousness His Grace, we could draw as close to God as we like. I wasn't seeking after the signs, but the bible clearing declares that God is miracle working God and He confirms His Word with various miracles and signs and wonders by His Spirit.
Ha Ha God Bless
'The joy of the Lord is your strength.' that is not talking about just smilling, I think it's talking about rejoicing!!!
This Gospel is truly worth dying for !!!!
It has now been one week; I'm increasingly getting greater revelations on the Grace and Glory of God, I'm almost everyday listeing to mp3s on Grace and studying it.
1 comment:
Great! Thanks for the link. I'm so glad you got to go, and so glad to hear that you're getting more and more revelation of grace!!!! We're leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow actually, we're so excited, and will be there Saturday night until Friday, so we'll be hearing Rob on Sunday morning and then Josh Mills will be there Sunday and Monday night... should be very good! I'll be writing about it on my blog as well as the Rob Rufus blog ( I think) so keep an eye out!
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